Sekar B. I knew I was gaywhen I was sixteen. I had my first homosexual experience with an older respectable man. From that day I went to him for sex every day. I was sonsumed with this need for sex that my mind was distracted and I found it difficult to study. I had one friend who was working in AIDS prevention. He told me that AIDS could be spread through momosexual and transexual contact, through injections as well as blood transfusions as well as through heterosexual contact. At that time I thought it was only transmitted by having sex with women. Because I was only having sex with men I thought I was safe. But he persuaded me that I should go for a test. I was distraught when I found out I was positive. Three days later my father came to me and told me he had arranged my mrriage. I couldn't control myself - I told my father everything. He told my mother and she told all the neighbours. I felt like an untouchable. People wouldn't talk to me. When my mother gave me a drink, no one would use the galss afterwards. They thought that HIV was spread through mosquitos that bit me, through touch; I just wanted to commit suicide. My family really suffered. My mother, brother and sister couldn't go to their jobs. My brother who looks like m e was harassed. My sister's marriage was stopped. The whole family was destryed. People won't talk to me because I am HIV positive and am gay. Society is so hypocritical, 50-60% of men have sex with other men. The government doesn't help, they will not even acknowledge that homosexuals exist."
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